ODC COQUALMO - A Software Defect Introduction and Removal Model using Orthogonal Defect Classification
Software quality processes can be assessed with the Orthogonal Defect Classification COnstructive QUALity MOdel (ODC COQUALMO) that predicts defects introduced and removed, classified by ODC types. Using parametric cost and defect removal inputs, static and dynamic versions of the model help one determine the impacts of quality strategies on defect profiles, cost and risk. The dynamic version provides insight into time trends and is suitable for continuous usage on a project. The models are calibrated with empirical data on defect distributions, introduction and removal rates; and supplemented with Delphi results for detailed ODC defect detection efficiencies. This work has supported the development of software risk advisory tools for NASA flight projects. We have demonstrated the integration of ODC COQUALMO with automated risk minimization methods to design higher value quality processes, in shorter time and with fewer resources, to meet stringent quality goals on projects.
منابع مشابه
Assessing Quality Processes with ODC COQUALMO
Software quality processes can be assessed with the Orthogonal Defect Classification COnstructive QUALity MOdel (ODC COQUALMO) that predicts defects introduced and removed, classified by ODC types. Using parametric cost and defect removal inputs, static and dynamic versions of the model help one determine the impacts of quality strategies on defect profiles, cost and risk. The dynamic version p...
متن کاملModelling and Analysing of Software Defect Prevention Using ODC
As the time passes the software complexity is increasing and due to this software reliability and quality will be affected. And for measuring the software reliability and quality various defect measurement and defect tracing mechanism will be used .Software defect prevention work typically focuses on individual inspection and testing technique. ODC is a mechanism by which we exploit software de...
متن کاملModeling Software Defect Introduction and Removal: COQUALMO (COnstructive QUALity MOdel)
Cost, schedule and quality are highly correlated factors in software development. They basically form three sides of the same triangle. Beyond a certain point (the “Quality is Free” point), it is difficult to increase the quality without increasing either the cost or schedule or both for the software under development. Similarly, development schedule cannot be drastically compressed without ham...
متن کاملSoftware Defect Prevention through Orthogonal Defect
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort” [10]. In the process of making quality software product, it is necessary to have effective defect prevention process, which will minimize the risk of making defects /errors in software deliverables. An ideal approach would involve effective software development process with an integrated defect prevention process. Thi...
متن کاملModeling Software Defect Dynamics REcENT ENhANcEMENTS To ThE coNSTRucTiVE QuALiTy MoDEL (coQuALMo) hELP iN ASSESSiNg DEFEcT DyNAMicS To bETTER uNDERSTAND ThE TRADEoFFS oF DiFFERENT PRocESSES AND TEchNoLogiES FoR REDuciNg DEFEcTS. by Raymond Madachy, barry boehm and Dan houston
Parametric modeling and simulation can help reason about strategies for reducing defects by quantifying the impact of different processes and technologies. This paper presents our ongoing work to extend and refine the COnstructive QUALity MOdel (COQUALMO) for assessing defect dynamics to better understand the tradeoffs. Using parametric cost and defect removal inputs, static and dynamic version...
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